
GAM Testimonials
My name is Pasty and I was married for 34 years before my husband and I separated. This separation came about because of my husband’s unfaithfulness to me for so many years. I never said anything to anyone because I was so embarrassed to speak about it. I cried day and night constantly blaming myself for his flaws. When I first found out that my husband was unfaithful to me I was scared of contracting any diseases so I didn’t even think about having sex with him. So what I would do is go to the end of the bed and turn my back to him and go to sleep.
I got invited to God’s Anatomy for Marriage’s platform for their 21-night Introductory Level in October 2020. The teachings and counseling from the various presenters helped me so much. They helped me overcome the pain, the hurt and the grief that I was holding on to. I finally FORGAVE my husband for everything that he did to me.
However, after being on the God’s Anatomy for Marriage platform I realized that I also had to examine myself to see where I went wrong as a wife. I learnt that when I became a wife my body was not my own anymore. I finally understood so many things. One day I called my husband and spoke with him and asked him to forgive me for all that I had done to him. I learnt so many things from this platform, things that I never heard when I was getting pre-marital counseling. Because of what I have learnt through the sessions on God’s Anatomy for Marriage, my husband and I now have a better relationship. We speak with each other almost every single day. My husband will come visit the kids and myself at our home. However, now that I have forgiven him he can never seem to look me in my face while he is speaking to me. God is doing what He has to with him. I could not have done any of these things without God and the teachings from God’s Anatomy for Marriage platform.
Revs. Errol & Rhonda Carrim’s personal testimony, “Surviving A Marriage Tsunami” has touched me in so many different ways and I’m sure it has touched other couples as well especially those who were about to separate or were heading for divorce. They found the strength and courage to keep fighting for their marriage. I wish many couples could be a part of the God’s Anatomy for Marriage platform. In closing I encourage each and everyone of you to find out all that you can about this platform you will not regret it especially if you are married or about to get married.
Trinidad & Tobago
Being involved in ministry ourselves, we approached God’s Anatomy for Marriage Divine Intimacy’s 21-day Intensive Intervention, with our main aim to gain further knowledge as to how to counsel the persons who come to us for advice and guidance. We actually stated this at our registration interview with Rev. Ruth. We believed that this material would form part of our collection to use against the enemy and on behalf of the persons we would give godly direction to.
It was during the very first assignment that we came to realize that we too had a lot of personal issues which we had swept under the carpet over the years and that we too were deficient in many areas and functioning with a limp for a very long time.
There were days when as we did the assignments, we would spill over into doing more or digging deeper than the assignment called for and sure enough the places we went formed part of what was given as the assignment for the next day. We would shout back at the screen with our muted microphone, in symphony with a Trini Tone “we do that already”. That was such a blessing. This doesn’t mean that it was all smooth sailing for us, we found ourselves sometimes struggling when some assignments met us on a bad day as LIFE continued to happen, and again sure enough the counsel received on that particular night would jolt us back into place sanctioning that “The Facilitators” were always on our case.
We truly appreciate this ministry and totally recommend that ALL couples visit this aspect of intensive counsel with God’s Anatomy For Marriage as you will be pleasantly surprised as we were, when each Facilitator touches your marriage where it hurts and needs healing the most.
Mr. & Mrs. Touched and Thankful Trinidad & Tobago
I am my beloved’s [garden] and my beloved is mine! He feeds among the lilies [which grow there]. Song of Solomon 6:3 AMP, CE
I am a divorcee in the eyes of the world. So, for me being on the marriage altar was a strange occurrence. It became even more interesting when, in the first cycle, the Holy Spirit showed me the 21 days as 3 trimesters, with 7 days being a trimester. So even though I was on the platform in a different capacity it brought a different perspective on being made in His image and His likeness and what He was birthing in me .
Someone asked me a question after one of the sessions that made me feel a bit off. The LORD of hosts then reminded me of Isaiah 54; He is my Husband. In the eyes of the LORD, I am His. ‘God’s Anatomy for Marriage’ indeed solidified and drew me closer to Him whom my soul loves. One of the sessions in which we had to wear white, was surreal because the Holy Spirit had me put on everything white, even my shoes (I had never worn those shoes before) It was like an act of purification. Adonai He does all things well.
Thank you, Rev. Ruth Lawrence, for being obedient. Blessings.
Submitted by ABBA’s Garden
My daughter and her husband were behaving like there was no hope for the marriage. They were at the point of no return. I invited her to the God’s Anatomy for Marriage Introductory Level in 2020 and the Master Designer of marriage took up her case. Although she only attended a few of the 21 sessions, the LORD did and continues to do a remarkable work in both their lives that only He could have done. Since then they call and speak everyday, sometimes 3-4 times per day. Thank You LORD for Your divine intervention.
This is my testimony of how God’s Anatomy for Marriage helped in restoring my marriage for the glory of God and our sakes.
Prior to attending God’s Anatomy for Marriage I was on the verge of leaving my husband of 20 years because I could no longer deal with his obsession with pornography. He wanted me to participate in porn activities with him which is something that I was never interested in doing because just the thought of it made me feel dirty and worthless.
When I came on the platform of God’s Anatomy for Marriage and heard all the presenters, especially Rev. Errol Carrim’s sessions, I was greatly encouraged. I learned that I was not wrong in feeling how I did and that I didn’t have to feel responsible for my husband’s urges. With all the information shared and the nuggets gleaned from the Word from God I now have the necessary tools to work on my marriage.
I thank God for God’s Anatomy for Marriage and the great work that they are doing in bringing healing to our marriages. Indeed there is nothing wrong with God’s institution of marriage because everything He made is perfect and when things go wrong, God is a Restorer of all things so He can and will perfect it.
In closing, I thank God that even our children’s behavior changed for the better in terms of their school. I say all glory to God above, once again thanks to all of you.
St. Lucia
It has truly been a life-changing experience coming in contact with God’s Anatomy for Marriage. I’ve learned to fix me and, in the process, have transformed my marriage. I’ve found joy, peace, and confidence in Christ my Savior and Lord. Now, our marriage has been changed, healed and delivered.
Our spouse is a loan to us from God and we are accountable to God for how we treat our spouse.
Be angry and sin not, instead hide God’s Word in your heart that I might not sin against you. (Psalm 119:11)
My spouse’s reasoning process differs from mine; his emotions and childhood experiences also differ.
Above all, the devotionals and assignments have been very impactful. The assignment after the session on the Breath of God shook me because it reminded me that one day my spouse will no longer be alive. It taught me that I must live purposefully and must align my life and my marriage with God’s principles and truths.
“The Lord is my refuge and if you make Him, the Most High, – your dwelling, no harm will overtake you; no disaster will come near your tent.”Psalm 91:9-16. He will command his angels to address those things concerning you to guard you in all your ways. He will lift you up with his hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. I pray that God the Father will help each of you today. Choose to honour God and remain obedient to His Word. God’s Anatomy for Marriage’s training manual is rooted and grounded in the Word of the Lord.
Yours in Christ